Train up a
child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs
I was just
innocently sitting with my cup of coffee thinking a little more about the
iniquity of passing on our sins to our children: I have a woman friend who is much on my mind
as she serves a term in prison. Recently
I met her brother whom I had not met earlier because he was in prison and I was
remembering that her oldest son has also spent time in jail It seems that the family “bent” of iniquity, has
come down to spending time in prison or jail.
But then I
remembered her precious children who are currently being raised by others: One by a family in the church and two by
Grandpa, who brings them to church like clockwork and seeks simple support from
those the boys are close to and who care dearly about the boys. And that happens to be a pretty large crowd
of people in our church, praise the Lord.
So I guess
it was natural for God to pop Prov. 22:6 into my head, at that point, and for
me to ponder it because I have not been sure exactly what that meant. I have always been sure that it does not mean that your child will never sin
nor ever fall short of the Glory of God. But I think it does mean your child
will be in a place where God can work with him. That thought suddenly excited me.
I know all
too well how far a Christian can go when angry and rebellious. I know too well the pain and suffering that
goes with that: Not because my parents
raised me up in the way I should go, but because I had been a child of God for
many years, training myself in the way I should go, and took it upon myself to
rebel and be angry. It can happen. But I was, by my own studying and searching,
trained up enough to know that what I was doing was dangerous and absolutely
wrong. I could not live that life with a
clear conscience. And a guilty conscience is a very weighty thing. It can destroy a person body, soul and
But this
child was never allowed to rest in what she was doing. God used the tools I had been given and kept
me troubled and feeling guilty and lost.
I knew, all the while, that I was not at home where I belonged.
If a child
has been given the tools she needs for
God to work with, she will never be able to sin without a guilty
conscience. God will use what you have
taught your child to bring that child to Him and to train that child up even
further in what He expects. Suddenly I
see that giving a child to God is not at all like setting her loose in the
forest and walking away. It is
prayerfully giving the child up to God’s constant care and direction while having given the child a heart and mind
full of God.
May we all
participate in this “training up” of children by being willing to be life
coaches by example and by instruction in God’s Word. It seems to me that at our church, there are
very nearly as many children (birth to 21) as there are adults. Our cup runs over. Praise God for guiding us to be the ones who
have the responsibility for so many of His children. May our lives touch their lives with His
Thanks for praying for the children in our church and specifically for my children :). That's one of the greatest things we can do for them.