– information about the behavior and personal lives of other
not all information about people is gossip. Nor is all gossip about
Paul for example: When he wrote his letters, it was generally because
he had “heard” something about the church to which he was
writing; good or bad. That is how news traveled in those days and
that was an acceptable way to pass information on.
we follow the life of Paul as told in Acts, beginning at Chapter 14,
we find this in action. And when we read his letters we discover how
“personal” these messages could be. Yet, they are not considered
gossip, just reporting the news and responding to it. [As far as I am
concerned, "gossip" is any information passed on to anyone who does not
need to know it by someone who wants to gain by it.] Gossip is almost
always mean. Information shared in love is almost never mean.
But it can alert others to a problem that needs attention.
I read the sinful practices going on in Corinth, particularly as
found in 1 Corinthians, I take a moment to realize that, even with
the horrors we deal with today, there is nothing new under the sun. I
seems that all the things we are trying to strike out against right
now were hugely present in Corinth at that time.
can be clearly seen today that the issues that bring people away from
God's Word now, are not any different than those which confused and
tore at the churches in the early days of the Church. The prevailing
pressures and sins are very much the same.
we have glaring sin going on all around us until we can hardly stand
to read or listen to the news. Yes, we have abhorrent ideas being
administered into our system of life. Yes, we have things happening
around us that make us want to throw up when we hear or see the next
ugly thing.
so did they.
They were “young” Christians, very young. Even though the Apostles, who were grown men of various ages, they were nevertheless also young in their faith. They had three years of walking with Jesus, but it was still an eye and heart opening event when they actually became the Sons of God that knew wholly and completely the salvation of Jesus Christ, revealed to them through the Holy Spirit. They were just babies when they first preached. Yet the power of God was in and with them and they spoke out like old souls in Christ. They also took on the responsibilities of old souls: seeing to the salvation and growth of new souls, babes in Christ.
opportunity came a little later, but it was no less miraculous and
soul changing. He was put into immediate service and immediate
training. He had to “grow up” fast. He was not on “milk”
ever, I think. It was immediate steak.
week ago the sermon was about Paul's travels and companionship with
disciples traveling with him. In chapter 17, we were shown that for
all his travel's and all his changes of companions, Paul never once
veered from the central core of the Gospel: The death,
burial and resurrection of Christ. And the result never
changed: Some, even many, and many more, were saved. The
Apostles preached and God handled the results. But it was
necessary for the Apostles to preach the Gospel, and that alone, for
the result to happen. Getting the church started was an enormous task
that only God could ultimately accomplish.
raising these babes fell into the hands of those whom God
allowed to bring them into the family of Christ through the preaching
of the Gospel. The Apostles and their companions stayed with the new
Christians whenever time allowed and with the help of the Spirit,
proclaimed as much of Christ's teaching as they possibly could; using
the minds and knowledge that God gave them, with power from
God. There were more disciples in the crowd of believers that
followed Jesus and stayed with the apostles than we actually usually
think about. Many of those assisted in teaching and training as it
went on.
Paul's letters.
by the way, the verbal “grapevine” of Gossip is obvious to me, as
a reader of these letters; there definitely was a “grapevine”
that served as a news network.
back to the point, without gossip in those days, nothing would be
known, whether good or bad. And Paul was hearing a lot of it, by
letter and by word of mouth. This was a good thing. Even
though some of the reports were bad news about bad behavior, it was
what Paul needed to hear if he was to be prayerfully, or otherwise, influential in the growth of his children. Paul needed to know and
Paul responded to what he was told: Good news or bad. And Paul's
responses were sent in love, but not the wimpy kind. It was tough
love all the way.
when Paul knew, he wrote. He wrote to the Church at large (including
us) by writing to individual churches and seeking to have them share
the letter with other churches. It was never his intention to be
secretive about these letters. He praised and admonished with the
entire church in mind; so as to teach all of them the lessons that he
taught to any single church. The truth had nothing in it to be
secretive about. Perhaps sometimes the truth of a situation needs to be told publicly to inform and to stop gossip.
– I find the topics that Paul gets into to be quite relevant today.
And I find that the things that break our hearts today, broke his in
his day. Things like the list of sins that can be found over and over
again throughout the Bible, Things like the rise of homosexual
influence and power. Things like hate mongering. Things like human
trafficking; the killing of innocent babies; the laziness of
relationships that leads to many kinds of immorality; the crush of
society by those who rise in wealth and power. It all goes on today
just as it did then and before then.
the example that Paul sets for us is that he paid attention
and that he responded, good or bad. He never let anything
ride. He never varied from aiming people's lives back to the Gospel,
and to everything it means to us in our lives and in our deaths. He
dealt with it all and he prescribed the remedy and sent it with much
prayer and thanksgiving for the people he was addressing.
think that in this day we must pay attention to the threats going on
around us and around our loved ones, in and out of the church. And,
in this day, we must speak up. We must take a stand: Paul told the
Corinthians to “stand firm” against the evil invading the church
and their personal lives. We must do the same. If we are to
love one another and follow any of the “one another” commands
that God gave us, then we must speak up for one another as if
our lives depend on it – because they do. God is in control and
could stop it all if He wanted to. But Paul knew that, too, and he
did not sit back and let it all happen just because he knew what God
could do.
knew that it was his responsibility to speak up and to send out all
the help he could possibly send to each and every crisis.
are in crisis. We are in jeopardy. We need to speak up. We need to
stop some of these things that are happening. We need to wise up and
stop letting the Government and the world around us creep up on
everything that can be good, but is being changed to bad. We need
to take some lessons from Paul and the other Apostles and disciples
and get the word out that we are not going to sit still for this;
and then we need to keep moving, and moving hard to rid ourselves of
these influences on us and on our neighbors and on our collective
get involved? Perhaps because God told us to love our neighbors as
ourselves and our neighbors need some serious protecting right now.
Paul lived every single day knowing that his life would end early. He
also lived every day knowing that Christ could come any minute, and
praying for that to happen. But he never, ever, sat back and
said, “Well, one way or another things are in God's hands, so I am
going to stop what I need to be doing and sit and watch for His
adjustments to these things. He is in charge. He will take care
of it somehow.” Never, never, never, ever did he say or do that.
And neither should we.
One continuous theme in Paul's letter is that we are to not only protect
ourselves from this world, but we are to set out to protect this
world from this world.
have a responsibility to have a voice and a vote in what is going on
around us. And to have a voice in declaring the same Gospel that Paul
never veered away from. Love your neighbor as yourself means more
than being nice. It means doing all that we can to protect them
from themselves and from others who would take them down. Why?
Because that is what we do for ourselves, if we love ourselves.
we reach out and love our neighbors enough to try to help
bring this country back to some semblance of itself: The country that
was established on Judeo/Christian values and common sense; the
statements of which were established in writing In the
Declaration, the Preamble, the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
So long as we are still here on this earth we must be actively
seeking change to the good in this country – our neighbors.
If we love them we need to protect them in every way we can.
May God bless us today and everyday as we struggle
together to make a difference in Christ's name.
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