two years of deep Bible Study, I had a realization that a lot of my knowledge
was going to waste because I was not also grasping a lot of realities of
life. Application is important and I had
narrowed my application to gaining knowledge without wisdom. You may not believe where I went to gain some
insight on wisdom: Christian
fiction. I believe that the people who
write these books do it as a tribute to God and an outreach to people who might
not otherwise see what Christian thinking looks like under pressure. I have previously actually quoted from some
of these books. They are a balm for my
tension ridden body and a sweet tea for my mind.
one I am thinking about right now, having just finished it, deals with women
caught up in the Civil War. It is not
for the faint at heart because it takes place right in the middle of the
action. One sees herself as an ugly
woman raised by three older brothers and confident in male skills like fist
fighting and sharp shooting. She joins
the war as a man and we follow her through some pretty horrible situations.
other woman is a single Southern Belle raised in the society of the rich and
proper in Virginia where some went north to fight and others went south. They were split on that. But they were not split on the proper
behavior and goals for a Belle. Finding
a good husband was the number one priority for every proper society woman in
the south. She ran away and became a
nurse during the war and what she saw and did is also not for the faint of
the story is exceptionally inspirational in very real ways to the faint of
heart. And I have been just that lately
so I have chosen to share a change of mind that I have had because of reading
this book:
will continue writing this blog and I will go ahead with my political blog, but
it will be with a much different tone than I was planning. It will be a more humble plea for sanity,
than the scorching tirade that I had in mind.
God is good and God will show us the way when we actually let Him!
everything that these women did right and did wrong we find them growing in
their love for Him and working constantly in His love for them. We also see the web of lies that got them
into the war come between them and their hopes and then turn around to prove
that God can make all things right for those who love Him. The book was well worth reading.
is the plight of the Belle that intrigued me most. Each woman was expected to “find” a good
husband and settle down into life as his property and his porcelain doll,
looking great and doing mostly nothing, not even dressing herself let alone raising
her own children. I was shocked to realize how far this is from what God wants
a marriage to be. It does not even come under that shadow of Proverbs 31. But history was full of this: Consider Solomon and his 300 wives and 700
concubines, none of whom got any husbandly attention after the first glow. Or Esther who could not even approach her
husband to ask a question without fearing being put to death. Our Belle actually attempted to discuss her
feelings with her fiancé and was reprimanded angrily for doing so.
we celebrate that we have come a long way, but the truth in most homes is that
nothing has really changed except the right to argue and scream day and night
in front of the children and the neighbors. Many men, not just the rich, still
see women as a prize that must be shown off as an extension of themselves, and
kept at their beck and call.
the right to be a person aside from a husband or even without a husband can be
a good gain and has been for many, many women.
But winning the right to kill children is not. Being able to work outside the home is deemed
good, but is questionable since it was part of the driving force that now makes
that a necessary part of life. And, once
again, women are leaving the raising of their children to others, giving the
children a few minutes of their time in the evening, often running them around
to activities rather than actually being with them, and a bit more serious time
on the weekends if they are not off visiting their father.
I am trying to say here is that being a woman is a balancing act of keeping our
personhood and our promises to God in following Him, and performing our duties
to husband and family. Women today have
a challenge to be submissive to their husbands in their faith and obedience and
still keep their personal relationship with God first in their lives.
that shock you when I say “God first?”
The Belle was shocked, too, when she realized that marriage might not be
God’s first choice for her if it would remove her from God’s will for her to
serve Him as a nurse. When she
surrendered to God’s will, she was in for a beautiful surprise. But she could have ruined it all with the
wrong choice.
we all be choosing God’s will for us first, over every other choice that comes
our way, no matter how confused we may become about the consequences of making
that choice. And may we be patient as God works out the details of getting us
to where He wants us, not running ahead but not staying behind either. May we
find great Joy in the fact that God loves us enough to see us as individuals in
His family and guides us individually through life, even as our lives are
intricately tied up with other lives. And, may we thank God that we are women
of great value to Him.
email tid-bit:
2. Tries to impress
3. Is controlled by an agenda
4. Her self worth is found in her accomplishment
5. Her peace is found in a perfect environment
6. She is discouraged by failure
7. She expects perfection from herself and
8. Teaches her kids to be good.
9. She is frustrated with her lack of
spiritual fruit
She does things with her children
Her perspective is based on what is seen
She chooses quantity of activities
1. IS
2. Pleases the Lord
3. Is controlled by the Holy Spirit
4. Herself worth is found in an
accurate view of who she is in Christ Jesus
5. Her peaces is found in Jesus in the
midst of any storm
6. Failure reminds her that faith is
made perfect in weakness.
7. She practices grace with herself
and others
8. She teaches her kids to be Godly
She abides in Christ and bears much fruit
10. She builds a relationship with her
11. Her perspective is based on what
is unseen
12. She chooses the most excellent
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